It is funny how death makes you put things in perspective. My grandma passed away two days ago and it was kind of unexpected. It just reminds me that I should spend more time loving all of the great people I have in my life. I tend to get caught up in trivial things like weight and being frustrated because I can't keep a clean house or keep up with laundry. Losing someone close just tends to snap me back to reality. The time I waste stressing keeps me from enjoying!
I came across this poem last night and loved it! I spend so much of my day trying to get stuff done that sometimes I miss out on quality time with my kids. There will be a day when I will be able to keep up on housework but right now it will just have to get done when it gets done! I don't want my kids to remember me for my clean house I would rather they have fonder memories than that when I am gone.
Today I left some dishes dirty
the bed got made around 3:30.
The diapers soaked a little longer,
the odor grew a little stronger.
The crumbs I spilled the day before
are staring at me from the floor.
The fingerprints there on the wall
will likely be there still next fall.
The dirty streaks on those window panes
will still be there next time it rains.
Shame on you, you sit and say,
just what did you do today?
I held a baby till she slept,
I held a toddler while he wept.
I played a game of hide and seek,
I squeezed a toy and made it squeak.
I pulled a wagon, sang a song,
taught a child right from wrong.
What did I do this whole day through?
Not much that shows, I guess that's true.
Unless you think that what I've done,
might be important to someone
with deep blue eyes and soft blond hair.
If that is true.... I've done my share.