Ha! So it's been a year and 2 whole days since I have last blogged. I am happy to say I now weigh 105 lbs and have never felt better! NOT! The real update is I have since had another bouncing baby boy who is now 4 months old, and yep you guessed it I am another 35 lbs heavier than I was when I last posted. Yay for me (please note the sarcasm)!
Cleaning out storage and de-junking the other day I came across an outfit I will use as my "goal cloths" I remember wearing the shirt on a trip I took with my husband while we were dating. So between my goal clothes and a new determination to blog my progress I am hoping it will keep me motivated. My husband and I have started P90X and on the days I don't workout with him I have been hitting the treadmill. So far I have gained 3 lbs. (again, YAY ME) Not to be discouraged though..... I have been on steroids for an allergic reaction for the last month and that my friends is my "excuse" wich I am sure you will hear plenty of.
So here goes it....I am at an all time high in weight and an all time low in self esteem with 60 lbs to lose I have created quite the challenge for myself.
The journey begins.......
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
3 days ago